以前、あまりにAmiちゃんが バキバキ気持ちよく豪快に骨を砕いて食べるので、
柔らかい骨のもの、うずらや 仔鶏のときは 自分で噛み砕くように 大きめであげて
と その後は 骨は細かく切っていました。
それでも たまに血が ほんのちょっと うんPについてることがあったので、
原因は分からないけど とにかく なんとかしないと!と
VitagestというSlippery Elmの入った サプリをあげたりしていた。
症状が治まったら やめてもいい、ということだったので やめた。
やめてもいい、ってことは、やめなくてもいいってこと?と ちょっと思ったけど、
それらは 継続して使ってもいい、という答えだったので、
やっぱり 言い回し的に 止めた方がよさげだ、と。
そう、で、今朝 骨をAmiちゃんのうんPの中に発見した時、
ってことは レシピの分量で骨を入れてても それがカルシウムとして体に入ってなければ、
カルシウムの量が 足りてないってことだよね?)
と 心配になり、いろいろググってみた。
Is it normal to see bone pieces in my dog's stools?
For some dogs, it takes a little more time for their bodies to re-learn to digest the denser parts of bone. In the beginning, you may see small fragments of bone in the stools. DO not worry about it. The digestive tract is far more durable than what you may thing. In time,your dog's body will be accustomed to the raw bones, and you won't see this anymore.
You may see them again when adding in more dense bones, like beef or pork bones, and just like with chicken bones, their bodies will learn to digest them.
そうか、体が慣れていくから 心配しなくてもいいのか・・・
でも、Amiちゃん、もう4ヶ月くらい 生食で来てるんだけど。。。
あと これ
Do not feed meat with bones or any commercial raw pet foods with bones.
The reason you cannot feed the bones of farm animals is because they are not fresh kill. They have been dead for days, weeks, or months. Rigor mortis sets in right after death, and the bones become hard, brittle, dehydrated; the nutrients are dead and gone. What is left is a gritty substance that causes severe pancreatitis, kidney/bladder problems, crystals/stones in the urine, leaky-gut, irritable and/or impacted bowel, impacted anal glands, chalky and bloody stools, diarrhea, constipation, all of which are devastating to the gastrointestinal system.
Yes, you can occasionally give some cats bones for dessert; however, people often take things to the extreme, give them as a meal, and give them too often. After what I have seen in the past several years, I am now opposed to feeding bone…ground or whole…except an occasional bone for dessert to chew on for pleasure. And even that needs to be evaluated depending on the individual cat, how voraciously s/he goes after the bone, whether that particular cat actually eats the bone, whether s/he can digest it, and what it looks like when it comes out the other end.
If there are any digestive problems, do not give bones. If there are any chalky or bloody stools, diarrhea, or constipation, do not give bones.
A complete and balanced meal for cats is: 90% raw meat and 10% finely ground steamed/boiled vegetables that have been mashed to the consistency of baby food before mixing with their raw meat, and ESSENTIALS4ALL BIO-8-Powder and CLO-3-Pearls.
やっぱり この国には送れない、と表示されている。。。
いろいろへぇぇぇな情報が書かれているので コピペしておいた。
Detox for your pet will happen through the bowels and skin. During a detox, your pet will act completely normal. He’ll be happy, bright, and alert. But you might find that he’s shedding a tremendous amount of hair. Pets shed out their old, dead, dull hair, and begin growing a shiny, soft coat. You might also see a lot of earwax or debris being produced from the ear. That needs to be cleaned out. And some detoxing pets will pass blobs of mucus in their stools.
Euronの粘膜便は これだったのか?
いや、でも ドライを食べると粘膜便を出してたしなぁ・・・
ドライをやめたら 粘膜便も止まったし。。。
dogs and cats process raw foods and kibble very differently. Raw food is processed as a protein, held in the stomach for an acid bath, unlike kibble, which a dog or cat’s body views metabolically as a starch. If raw foods are added to dry foods for a meal, there can be digestive confusion, resulting in gassiness and belching.
やっぱり こっちだったと、思う。
結果は GassinessやBelchingじゃなくて 粘膜便だったけど、こっちだと思うんだよなぁ。
3にゃん 一緒に 朝ごはん

針金の先にモールをつけたじゃらしの モールが切れた。
短くなったら 新鮮だったみたいで、Rupiさんの食いつきがすごい。

そこはRupiさんが よく好んで寝てるところだよね。
Amiちゃんが寝てたところに Rupiさん 参加。
