This month was Masa's birthday! He turned two years old! This year he has gradually calmed down a little. When he's being ignored he still sits infront of the television and pushes my belongings, but he only really does it when my friends are visiting. Maybe he's jealous?
今年のマサちゃんはエアコンに上ることやっちゃった!! 最初やった時にとてもびっくりでした!でも今普通になりました。マサちゃんはエアコンの上によく昼寝します。やっぱり『マサムネ』という名前完璧すぎました。領国を征きますね。
This year Masa climbed on top of my aircon!! The first time he did it I was super surprised. But now it's completely normal. He often naps up there. I guess the name 'Masamune' was a little too perfect. He really conquers unclaimed territory, doesn't he?